About Us

Ainsley Richmond - Project Lead and Animator
Ainsley Richmond is an Animation major at Bradley University with a minor in user experience. She enjoys doing 2D art in software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, and Animate. She also enjoys working with 3D art in Cinema 4D and Maya She loves nature and fashion and often uses them both as inspiration. She is the secretary of the Bradley Digital Arts Club and is always looking to improve her art. She continues to hone her animation skills to become a part of a studio producing inspiring work.
April Tippett - Animator, Colorist and Compositor
From as far back as third grade, April has spent hours telling original stories with her animation and digital art, and she is always trying to find every way she can to improve her skills. Fascinated by the endless potential of art, she loves using her chosen mediums to bring fantastical alien species to life and explore characters in unique ways. Her dream job would either be an artist at Jackbox Games or getting to work on any project that would pay her to draw dragons.
Emily Boecker - Background Artist
Emily Boecker is a Sophomore Animation major and a first-year transfer student at Bradley University. They hold an Associate in Arts degree from Illinois Central College where they developed many skills in painting, drawing, and design. They find most of their inspiration from animals, nature, and color. Emily is most experienced in traditional art but is quickly becoming more proficient in various digital programs. She is most interested in learning more about storyboarding, background design, and compositing. In the future, Emily hopes to work at a studio and eventually teach art.
Faith Humphrey - Project Lead, background Artist and Compositor
Faith Humphrey is a Junior Animation major at Bradley University. She has extensive experience in Adobe Photoshop and is proficient in Adobe Suite, Maya, and Cinema4D. She is more experienced in 2D animation and illustration but also enjoys 3D art and animation. Faith enjoys writing stories, illustrating, singing, acting, and of course, animating! One of her biggest dreams and goals is to open her own animation studio so that others can have the freedom to express themselves and their stories in a compassionate and thoughtful environment.
Heather Linerode - Background Artist
Heather Linerode is a junior marketing major. She enjoys making digital art in Procreate.
Aside from drawing, she loves listening to music, watching movies and writing. Music is such a big source of inspiration for her and frequently influences her artwork. She is currently active in Bradley’s Digital Art Team. She hopes to continue improving and work on more art projects in the future. She is looking into pursuing a career in the entertainment industry where she can apply both her marketing and artistic skills.
Paul Kararo - Animator
Paul Kararo is a freshman Animation major. He is driven to become the best animator and artist he can be, yet at the same time loves to explore other arts outside of animation; As such, he plans picking up a Game Design minor at the start of his sophomore year. Familiar with programs like FireAlpaca, Photoshop, PowerDirector, and MIT Scratch, Paul spends a great majority of his free time drawing or creating 2D digital art, small animations, pixel art, music, and games; playing video games; or coordinating, creating, and playing TTRPG’s with with friends. He also has a penchant for Pokémon, fantasy, and steampunk aesthetics, which will certainly show through in a LOT of his art!
Scott Berry - Composer
Scott Berry is a junior Computer Science and Music double major from Morton, Illinois who aspires to be a video game composer. He enjoys composing music using software like Musescore and Reaper. He plays many RPG games for inspiration for his work. Scott is currently writing for multiple video game student and community projects as well as working on his own game. Scott plays euphonium in the Symphonic Winds and the Phantom Regiment drum and bugle corps. He now teaches and writes music and choreography for marching ensembles across the country. His dream is to work for a AAA game studio either as a software developer or composer.
Taylor Smith - Animator
Taylor Smith is a Sophomore Animation student from St. Louis, MO. She has a passion for 2D art and animation, having experience with programs such as Photoshop, Animate, After Effects, and Clip Studio. She is also learning more about 3D programs Cinema 4D and Maya. They are the Social Media Manager for the Digital Arts Team at Bradley, and otherwise likes to spend time gushing over animated shows/films and video games. Her career aspirations are at the moment open ended, just wanting to help bring people’s (and her own) creations to life!
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